My M.S.Ed Journey...Outside of the Classroom
I enrolled in the College at Brockport's Counselor Education Program in the spring of 2014. It was one of the best decisions I made in my life. However, these last four years have been mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually challenging. Yes, there were days I felt like I was sinking in an ocean and needed to create my own sunshine. Yes, I started every semester wondering how I was going to make it through. At times I felt discouraged and wanted to quit, but I continuously meditated on things that were pure, noble and true (Philippians 4:13). I changed my mindset and it changed my life!
While enrolled in this rigorous program I experienced some of life's greatest and most challenging moments:
In 2014 while going through the program's multi-step application process, my grandfather passed away and later that year my stepfather was diagnosed with kidney cancer.
In February 2015 my stepfather had surgery to successfully remove the cancer spots from his kidneys. We were so grateful and thankful! During that spring and summer my father ran for a local political office and I was his campaign manager. In November our family celebrated his victory! In December of that same year, the excitement continued as I participated in my sister's wedding ceremony to the love of her life.
January 4th, just 28 days later, my family experienced the sudden passing of my beloved brother-in-law. Thus, changing the lives of my sister, niece, nephew and family as a whole- FOREVER. Throughout that year our familial roles adjusted to accommodate the changing needs that existed. Unbeknownst to me at the time, my mother was also experiencing some health issues. She purposely kept them hidden from me to limit the anxiousness it would've created for me.
The year of 2017 was filled with another year of politics. My father entered his hat in the ring for another political position. This time, I wised up and let the "professionals" handle managing his campaign. Although, I still managed to feel the emotional, mental and spiritual impacts of such a publicized campaign. In May of that year, mother's day weekend to be exact, my grandmother began having unexplained seizures and was going back and forth to the hospital. In June, she ultimately had brain surgery to drain the blood and spinal fluid that had accumulated. As a result of all of this stress, I began having gastrointestinal and anxiety issues. This resulted in my own hospitalizations and doctors visits to assess my symptoms.
Approximately one week ago, I was speaking with a relative and they rhetorically questioned how I was able to concentrate in school and complete my degree with all that had happened. I simply replied, "But God!" Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the plans I have for you, to prosper you, give you hope, a future and not to harm you." I knew that God would protect and preserve me through this process and that He surely did!